Conservative restoration work at the Manzoni house
Location: Milano
- Renovation year: 1998
- Customer: Comune di Milano
The villa is located in the heart of Milan, in Via Morone 1, spread over 3 floors with a rectangular plan. The building houses a library with over 38,000 volumes, the Manzoniai National Study Center and the museum. The building is often the site of exhibitions and events.
The restoration of Alessandro Manzoni’s residence, a true cultural symbol of the city of Milan, represented the ground for experimentation and implementation of new technologies applied to the conservation of historic-artistic buildings. The preliminary study of the restoration had highlighted a serious state of decay of the wooden floors, to be statically adjusted. Under the direction of the designer, the architect Anna Giorgi, preventive investigations were in fact carried out to define the complexity of the intervention. These, aimed at identifying the composition of the floors, both at the intrados (decorated false ceilings) and at the extrados (parquet or Venetian floors), were performed by endoscopy and laboratory tests that allowed localized probes, from which to derive the structural characteristics. A complex and detailed analysis therefore made it possible to discover, in the main hall, an original type of floor, composed of ribbed planks of considerable thickness, left in opposition on the walls, in order to create an arch on which to rest the wooden floor. . The verification of the stress states of the structures also highlights non-admissible values and beyond any degree of safety, as required by the regulations (600 kg / m2).
The use of the TRALICCIO LPR®, combined with a lightened Leca Cls 1400 expanded clay screed from Laterlite, has allowed the problem of static adjustment to be solved. In fact, the LPR® system makes it possible to obtain the perfect connection between wood and concrete %22dry%22 by means of wood screws.
The electro-welded mesh is positioned above the trusses and then proceeds with the completion casting in concrete. In this phase, and for the twenty-eight days following casting, as many are needed for the concrete to consolidate, it is normal practice to shore up the floor, to allow the concrete to set and become an integral part of the new structure. In this case, however, it was not possible to shore up, a condition that required a different solution.
In order not to overload the structure with the weight of the casting, it was decided to use a type of lightened concrete, but even in this case the load was excessive. The casting, therefore, was limited only to the points in correspondence with the load-bearing elements, that is, in the vicinity of the primary beams, using Exclay Cls 1400 RI Laterlite, capable of guaranteeing the mechanical characteristics required within seven days of casting. In this type of conglomerate, the natural aggregates are replaced with light aggregates, such as clay or expanded shale, giving rise to a structural lightweight concrete with a density of 1,400 kg / m2. After only seven days the structural consolidation had been carried out, which simply had to be completed, in total safety, even without the presence of the props. After the reinforcement of the beams, in fact, the missing part of the collaborating slab was installed and built in absolute safety and tranquility, ensuring the continuity of the connection from the TRALICCIO LPR®. With the utmost simplicity, in fact, the system allowed perfect solidarity with the wooden structure and perfect continuity of the castings, even if performed in two different phases. At the end of the intervention, the floors were able to withstand an overload of 870 kg / m2, well beyond the values established by the regulations.
LPR® system
For more information about the LPR® system, click on the icon above
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